WARNING: We WORK! If You Aren't Ready AND Willing to Put In the Time and Effort to Create an Endless Flow of Business, This Is Not An Inner Circle for You!

Get Ready to Take Back Your Real Estate Career With Soar Agent Real Estate Sales and Marketing Mastery Inner Circle!

Brandon Patrick and His Real Estate Training and Marketing Systems Inside Soar Agent Will Help You Achieve Beyond Your Goals in 2024!

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And Much, Much More! We Are Constantly Adding Updated Strategies!


Brandon Patrick will walk you through, step by step, a plan of action to develop an understanding of where your business stands TODAY, and how to develop a business plan to make this your break through year! If your business plan is not in writing, it isn't real!


Brandon has taught lead generation to thousands of agents since the 1990's! No stone will be left uncovered, as you will decide the media platforms that fit you best. From there, you will develop ads that draw potential clients like moths to a flame!


If you are only relying on online marketing, there is a huge hole in your business. Brandon teaches you how to utilize high touches with your clients using tried and true methods. Remember that customers must be reached the way THEY want to be marketed to. Not all are the same!


In today's market, folks want to do business with highly competent experts. This module develops your strengths, and helps craft and brand YOU as the OBVIOUS EXPERT!



Create small, targeted markets that will become a never ending source of business! Brandon will teach you how to specialize in niche real estate, that will create wealth beyond measure!


Direct access to advertising that utilizes emotional response buying that you can use TODAY to create clients.


Life is too short to work with people that are not your ideal client! Brandon will teach you how to properly interview potential clients, and work ONLY with those who fit in YOUR box!


The most valuable gift you have is time. If you are a "jack of all trades", and do all jobs in your business, you are limiting your ability to build the real estate practice of your dreams!


The biggest opportunity real estate agents miss is developing referral strategies from past clients and friends who already like, know and trust us.


Ever notice it is always the same people that tend to be interviewed for real estate news stories in your market? Brandon shows you how to create news and stories that get published!


Want to know how to be the highest paid agent in your market, and not bottom feed for clients? Know how to solve problems! Brandon goes in depth how to show value by developing case studies on how you helped your past clients.


Remove all fear a potential client has by taking away obstacles. Brandon shows you how utilizing low risk guarantees keeps your sales pipeline flowing!


Testimonials are a must in today's society. People want to know that others have had a great experience with your services. Brandon shows you in this module how to go after and create testimonials that remove defenses!


The key is in the follow up, and how fast you can provide information for prospect to make a decision. Brandon uncovers the latest MUST HAVE technologies to put your real estate practice on auto pilot!


Nothing attracts clients better than gaining inside knowledge that gives them the upper hand in a deal. Brandon gives you plenty of ready to use reports to have prospects raising their hands for help!

Time is of the Essence! Let's Get to Work!

Who Is Brandon Patrick?

Brandon is a 27 year real estate broker and marketing coach that helps the agent focus on niches. He has trained over 5,000 agents in best practice marketing since 2007. His strategies are tried and true, and he has a heart for helping agents become the best they can be.

Brandon Patrick has trained agents across North America for diverse levels of talent. He has the ability to break down even the most hard process to simple terms!

  • Licensed in real estate since 1995. Brandon received his Broker's license in 1998, and has worked extensively on agent development. The state of Tennessee exempted Brandon from real estate continuing education in 2002, however, you can find him in class!
  • Certified Real Estate Success Coach (CRESC) with Integrity Systems.
  • ​​​Founder of three real estate marketing and training platforms.
  • ​Awarded the Certified Real Estate Specialist (CRS), Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) and the Accredited Buyer's Representative Manager (ABRM) designations by the National Association of Realtors.

So What Are You Waiting For? Every Tool You Need is HERE!

Discover How to Get More Listings, Make More Sales and Pocket More Money Using Proven 21st Century Real Estate Success Systems

Dear Online Agent & Broker,

Success leaves clues.

The problem is most of us are so busy working, it's tough to keep up - and to know who to believe.

Which "system" REALLY works? Today. In 2024? Which new technologies are critical to your success? Is the Internet really the most powerful prospecting tool to ever hit the industry? If so, how do you take advantage - specifically? How do you merge online and offline marketing?

Discover the truth about what really works - today - and success will come easy. Fall for another ridiculous claim and not only will you waste your money, you'll suffer trying to catch up. In a moment, I'll tell you exactly how I can help you sort fact from fiction and keep you on the fast track. But first, let me give you an insight into why you should even believe me:

Four Reasons to Trust Your

Gut and Believe What I Say

  • I'm NOT going to promise you can make over $500,000+ a year or multiply your income by 400% working less than 40 hours a week or some other nonsense. That's all hype. I don't know you, your skills, connections, referral base, budget or background. So how could I honestly guarantee such a thing?
  • For those who "lean in" and listen, I will "lean in" as well. I have coached over 10,000 real estate agents since 2004, and I have a track record of success that is easilly backed up. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear!
  • Many of you know me. My name is Brandon Patrick. Over the years, thousands of agents and brokers have profited from my works. Many have paid over $1,000 for written materials alone, and I've been contracted for as much as $40,000 to share my secrets. Now think about that. People don't fork out $40,000 for hype. It just doesn't happen. You better have "the goods" for that kind of money, or you'll soon be out of business.
  • ​I ran for years a very profitable online real estate training company that catered to thousands of real estate agents; offering all in one websites, lead capture pages, training, auto-responders, blogging, referral networks, scripts, marketing, and CRM databases. I understand BOTH online, and offline marketing. I believe in today's market, you must do both for lead generation!

Here's How I'm Going To Help


Take Your Career To The Next


Sometimes it seems it's nearly impossible to make a decent living in this business. Sellers want to go it on their own. Buyers burn you. Agents don't return your calls (or your emails), the technology keeps coming, "gurus" are a dime a dozen there's too many overpriced listings and good solid leads are getting harder and harder to get.

Or are they?

There are a handful of top producers using NEW, little known marketing techniques to generate tremendous volume and earn huge commission checks. Many are using the Internet, web sites and email to cut costs to the bone. Others use simple, but powerful magazine and newspaper advertising techniques. Still others use the latest technologies like sequential, automatic email follow up systems to capture market share AND recapture their nights and weekends.

These top producers run the gamut from "newbies" in the industry who operate 95% on new business... to the "lifers" who enjoy an 85% referral business.

Many are earning tens of thousands of dollars per month and several are pulling in over a million a year. The best part is, in most cases, what they are doing is 100% duplicable -- which means you can do it too!

After all, success leaves clues.

My job is to sort through the clues, sort fact from fiction, and bring you "the goods" - each and every quarter. No fluff, no filler. Just the facts. Just the tools, techniques and technologies that are working TODAY. Your job is to implement them and profit.

In the archives alone you will find:

  • How to Double Buyer Calls with a Simple Facebook Ad - Advertising down payment, monthly payments and the annual percentage rate in your property ads has been proven to make your phone ring with anxious-to-do-business buyers. It is a very powerful, very profitable marketing strategy.

  • Tough Time Management and the Winner's Mentality - The Entrepreneur's Wealth-Building Coach For Serious People Only! Powerful Solutions That Help YOU "Fund" All Of Your Dreams!

  • The Magic of Mingling and Marketing a Niche - Over 70% of the time, all other things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, people they KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST - here's how to profit.

  • Lead Generation for Sellers - Running ads for sellers has always been a tough proposition. Here a proven campaign that works.

  • ​Risk Reversal and Powerful Advertising - Risk reversal is very, very powerful and should be used in all of your advertising campaigns. Here's are a few proven campaigns...

  • 3 Simple Ways to Drive 10, 15, even 20% or More Buyers and Sellers to Your Web Site in 30 Days or Less

  • Painless, Profitable Telemarketing - Every Top Producer has a solid telemarketing campaign operating in the background of their business generating, qualifying, and following up leads. Unfortunately most of us limit our thinking to personal cold call prospecting...

  • Prospect Profiling: The Secret to Getting Your Phone to Ring Off the Hook - How to gain an intimate, emotional understanding of why your prospects buy.

  • 7 Profitable Telemarketing Scripts - Using a hired telemarketing staff of three, these scripts helped take one small town agent's business from $3 million to $70 million a year in less than three years.

  • Proven Classified Ad Campaign - Brett spends $87.52 a week to alternate 4 short Facebook ads. The result? 27 deals in 7 months for a gross profit of $213,295! Here are the ads...

  • A Proven Expired Listing Systems that Gets 5-7 New Listings Each Month

  • How to Write Classified Ads that get Huge Response Both Online and Off - Dollar for dollar, classified advertising and small space ads are THE advertising medium of choice for the real estate industry. Why? Because...

  • How to Double Buyer Calls with a Simple Facebook Ad - Advertising down payment, monthly payments and the annual percentage rate in your property ads has been proven to make your phone ring with anxious-to-do-business buyers. It is a very powerful, very profitable marketing strategy.

  • How to Make $6 Figures Hosting Buyer and Seller Seminars

  • Is a Real Estate Web Site REALLY a Magic Pill - Most agents expect too much from their web sites. Here are some REAL numbers to work with to see if your site measures up.

  • A Classified Ad that Generated 21 Calls in 3 Days

  • How to Double Buyer Calls with a Simple Facebook Ad - Advertising down payment, monthly payments and the annual percentage rate in your property ads has been proven to make your phone ring with anxious-to-do-business buyers. It is a very powerful, very profitable marketing strategy.

  • Real Estate Internet Success Model - Meet Jerry Fowler and profit from his proven online internet real estate success model.

  • How to Dominate the Internet in the Year 2020 - Over 13 BILLION searches were done in 2019 in Google to search for real estate. Google accounts for approximately 75% of web traffic. How many landed on your site? Follow these steps to win!

  • Lead Generation by Email - Lead generation by email and a complete online marketing system.

  • How to Double Buyer Calls with a Simple Facebook Ad - Advertising down payment, monthly payments and the annual percentage rate in your property ads has been proven to make your phone ring with anxious-to-do-business buyers. It is a very powerful, very profitable marketing strategy.

  • How to Build a Profitable Real Estate Business in Three Easy Steps - Leads, leverage, and a strong referral generation system are all that is necessary. Here's an overview...

  • $10,000 Per Month Expired Listing System -Marketing Smart Excerpt: Proven expired listing system.

  • How to Double Buyer Calls with a Simple Facebook Ad - Advertising down payment, monthly payments and the annual percentage rate in your property ads has been proven to make your phone ring with anxious-to-do-business buyers. It is a very powerful, very profitable marketing strategy.

  • How to Get Thousands of Web Sites to Promote YOUR site for FREE

  • How to Get 1000's of Dollars of FREE Publicity, Drive Quality Traffic to Your Site, and Create Your Own Fame - The Internet is in dire need of people to write good articles about your area of expertise. Here is how you can profit immensely.

  • Instant, Online Presentations -How to create instant online multimedia presentations using video

  • How to Profit by Creating a Targeted, Emotional Response Marketing System

  • How to Communicate Trust and Build Rapport on Your Web Site

  • A $250,000 Expired Letter - Use this simple 5 page letter to mail to expireds on a daily basis. Here's the letter...

  • Anatomy of a Media Event: Profits in the Making - Less than 1% of agents and brokers around the country take advantage of the free press and free publicity. And these very same individuals all make over $500,000 a year in cold, hard cash. Coincidence? Hardly.

  • How You Can Nail Top Positioning on the Search Engines

  • Targeted Emotional Response Marketing - the secret behind most highly-successful, highly-profitable, success-oriented real estate businesses.

  • A Proven Strategy to Increase Referrals

  • Four Master Keys to Unlock the Profits in Your Web Site -There are many real estate agents and brokers on the Internet today who are enjoying the rewards of a profitable web site. There are many more, however, who have yet to find the keys which will unlock the potential profits that lie ample, but buried on their site.

  • How to Increase Referrals by Adopting a Relational Mindset - Chuck and Nicki Pousson with HomeSmart Elite send all of their clients a monthly Item of Value. Here is how you can profit from adopting a similar strategy.

  • How to Create Massive Buyer Leads Using Ads - What do you get when you combine a unique loan program, a small social media or magazine display ad and a powerful hotline script? How about 10-15 hot buyer leads a day, every day! Lead generation just doesn't get much better than this!

  • Power Search Methods: How to Get Leads Online NOW

  • How to Profit from Life's Changes - People will seek out the services of a professional real estate agent/broker (that’s YOU) after a significant change has occurred in their lives more often than not.

  • Build Equity and Use Drip Marketing to Earn a Fortune - The agents and brokers who are making money and building wealth build EQUITY in their businesses. Here's how...

  • Duplicate High Ranking Web Pages for Success - How to Drive More Buyers and Sellers to Your Site By Stealing From the Store...

  • How to Stop Counteroffers Cold - Use the psychological principle of scarcity to stop counteroffers cold.

  • A Complete Lead Generation System Working Real Estate Niches

  • Discover How to Use Sequential Autoresponders to Dramatically Increase Sales and Reduce Time

  • The Marketing Power of Postcards - Few understand the power and profitability of consistently mailing postcards to generate business. Here are four examples to get you started.

  • How to Post Small Classified Ads Online Free

  • Making Editorial Advertising Pay - How to make editorial advertising pay using the art of disguise.

  • Annual Business Planning and Lessons Learned from Ebenezer Scrooge - Perhaps the most profound thing you can do at year-end to grow your business is to write a formal business plan for next year. Let's get started...

  • What Can You Really Expect from a Real Estate Web Site - Profits or Just Another Expense?

  • Online FSBO Lead Generation System - Here is a proven for sale by owner lead-generating campaign you can use right now to help you grow your online real estate business faster, easier, and more securely than ever before!

  • Santa Claus: A Marketing Genius - Marketing 'gurus' comes in all shapes and sizes. This one wears a red jacket, black boots, and flies a fuel efficient sleigh. Find out how you can model this merry gentleman and take your production to the next level...

  • A Proven Expired Listing Campaign - We used this campaign to lock in 7 new listings in January and rolled another 4 in February. Total Cost? $127 and about 8 hours preparation time. We affectionately call it "the Bomb"...

  • Preemptive Advertising is a Powerful Technique that Works - Few use it -- except for multi-million dollar producers. Coincidence? Hardly.

  • How to Win the Search Engine Wars and Get Your Site Listed in the Top 20 - Search engines are still the most popular tool people use to begin their search for a new home, a new agent, or simply to gain information about a new area. If you want your real estate business to grow on the Internet, you MUST become visible in the online marketplace. Here is a proven method that works...

  • A Proven Seller Lead Generation Campaign

  • Stories, Metaphors and the Power of Editorial Advertising - How to Use Stories, Metaphors and the Power of Editorial Advertising To Generate Leads.

  • How to Stop Corporate Relocation Extortion and Reclaim the Money You Rightfully Earn - How to Stop Corporate Relocation Extortion and Reclaim the Money You Rightfully Earn

  • How to Dramatically Increase the Number of Leads Generated from Your Web Site - Discover how to increase your hits-to-leads conversion ratio up to 14% or more!

  • Realtor.com, Zillow and Trulia: The Tips, Tricks and Traps - How to benefit from realtor.com's massive database, massive traffic and massive information base... as well as what to watch out for.

  • Fascinations: The Secret of Emotional Response Advertising - How to compel buyers and sellers to pick up the phone, give your their email address or stop by your office by eliciting an emotional response.

  • 10 Commandments of a Real Estate Web Site Makeover - 10 Commandments of a Real Estate Web Site Makeover. Getting traffic but coming up short with leads? Perhaps it is time to re-design your web site.

  • 7 Trends that are Reshaping the Way We Do Business

Plus Much, Much More! We Are CONSTANTLY UPDATING...

Hold On... There is More!

My goal is to give you the BEST information on real estate marketing strategies you can find! There is NOTHING else you will need by following our online and offline marketing strategies. Soar Agent Inner Circle members gain more tools for teaching:

  • Soar Agent Inner Circle Private Facebook Group The strategies we teach are private. To keep our information from being all over the web, we have a private group that allows our members to bounce marketing ideas and trends. This is a no hold barred group, where we hold back no sacred cows! To get better, we need to have a group of agents that know they can come in and ask for help without fear of rejection.

  • Webinars - First and foremost, I love to teach on webinars. Not every topic will be a webinar, but you can rest assured, when I do open up a private webinar to our Inner Circle, it is good!

  • Podcasts We cover different mediums. I do podcasts on different real estate topics. Huge Realtors from across the globe are interviewed!

  • Special Events During the year, we hold Inner Circle events for mastermind sessions. As an Inner Circle member, you have an invite! These are great networking opportunities!

  • Marketing Campaign Critiques Have your marketing critiqued by the best of the best!

  • Weekly Role Play - Role play weekly with Brandon and other Inner Circle members! This is your chance to get great at your scripts!

Hear What AMA, 7x Grammy and 20x Dove Multi-Award Winning Platinum Artist Toby MAC Says About Joining the Soar Agent Real Estate Inner Circle!

Here is How YOU Can


an Unfair Advantage

Because of the many top producers we work with, we are privy to some very unique proprietary knowledge about how to make money in the real estate business - in today's market.

Even more powerful, we are one of the only companies testing, tracking, measuring, and reporting how you can make a fortune embracing the new tools and technologies of the 21st century as it relates to your business.

We're not interested in hype and conjecture. We are only interested in results. And once we discover a profitable result, we pass this information along to you for your profit every month.

Pure and simple.

Many of the techniques revealed in the Online Real Estate Marketing Report are fresh from the testing labs of top producers who are operating on the cutting edge today... based on real life results as they happen NOW!

For example, we recently spent over a $3,000 to attend a seminar chaired by three top producers. 140 agents and brokers were also in attendance. If you had been there, you would have learned a technique responsible for generating over a million dollars in volume in less than three months - a technique that requires very little time, energy or money to pull off. A technique which ANY agent or broker could easily duplicate...

Unfortunately, over 1,400,000 licensed agents and brokers were not there, and they didn't have the opportunity to see and hear and learn about this NEW,

PROFITABLE marketing system. And chances are YOU didn't have the opportunity to see, hear and learn about this system... unless you were a subscriber to our Soar Agent Inner Circle.

Because we were there - in your place and on your behalf!

This is AWESOME! So... How Much?

A subscription to our Online Real Estate Marketing Report that includes the Inner Circle, and all the training, tips and tricks you can dream of will soon go to $97 mo.

However, for a very limited time, your price is just $47mo as a Founding Member, including all the extra bonuses and special membership benefits - an insignificant fee compared to what you will earn when you implement just one of the strategies you will discover. Also, keep in mind, that many agents and brokers have paid hundreds, even thousands of dollars for just the bonus materials alone - materials you will receive absolutely free!

As a Founding Member, Your Inner Circle

Membership will Never Increase! You are


If you are serious about your real estate career, I'm certain a subscription to the Soar Agent Inner Circle, access to our vast marketing archive, and bonus materials will help you make more money.

But if it is not for you, there is no charge.

Subscribe to the Soar Agent Inner Circle and if you aren't 100% satisfied, just let me know within 30 days and I'll refund every single penny of your investment - without hassling you in any way, shape or form.


Here is a list of the free bonuses available to all paid subscribers. Every book, system, and report presented here has proven profitable in the field. Paid subscribers receive instant access to all of these materials absolutely free.

Real Estate Books and Booklets

  • The Instant Publicity Kit: What Every Serious Agent, Broker, Manager, Title and Loan Rep Needs to Know to Increase Their Bottom Line by Exploiting the Media. 116 pages/$997 value
  • The Ultimate FSBO/Expired System: How to Make a Ton of Money Exploiting these Easy to Find Prospects. 159 pages/$997 value
  • ​The Ultimate Presentation: How to Stop Selling and Start Solving Your Way to Real Estate Fame and Fortune. 57 pages/$297 value
  • ​$1,000,000 Mindset: A Prelude to Creating Marketing Magic. 56 pages/$197 value
  • ​Salability Scale: A simple checklist and marketing campaign measurement system you can use to help secure expireds. 2 pages/$47 value
  • ​121 Best Kept Secrets of Real Estate Superstars: How to Earn a Whole Lot More Than $1,000,000 in the Real Estate Business. (NOTE: The original text is over 600 pages long... 144 of which are available for download now. The remaining pages have been published as articles and are now located in the archives.) I teach these through video as a course. $1997 value

Proven Real Estate Direct Marketing Reports

  • Two Step FSBO Free Report System: This report was used successfully to secure FSBO leads via direct mail and, ultimately, a phone call placed by them to you.
  • ​5 Big Fat Selling Mistakes: A nice piece to help secure FSBOs and Expireds.
  • ​9 Most Deadly Mistakes You Can Make When Selling Your Home: Again, a nice piece to help secure FSBOs and Expireds.
  • ​Two Step BUYER Free Report System: This report was used successfully to secure buyer leads via direct mail and, ultimately, a phone call placed by them to you.

Real Estate E-Books You Can Print For Your Business

  • Investing in Real Estate With Little or NO Money Down! I include my editable e-book where you can make it your own! You also get an amazing Powerpoint presentation and class worksheet to hold seminars. Great way to get investors! a $497 value!
  • 101 Tips for Selling Your Home - Download this book, brand it, and use it to find home owners who raise their hand to say they MIGHT be interested in selling! a $297 value!
  • The Pros and Cons of Buying a New Home - Full Powerpoint presentation you can download and use as your own for home buyer seminars! a $497 value!

You Simply Cannot Lose...

This is a no-lose proposition. The worst thing that could possibly happen is you get to check out our Inner Circle and study our archives for a full 30 days, download the bonuses, listen to the podcasts, read our articles, watch our videos, maybe get some referrals, and check out our PRIVATE Facebook Group... absolutely free.

The best thing that could happen is you make start knocking down so many deals and start making so much money... both online and off... you won't know what to do with it all.

So let's do it.

Don't waste another minute wondering if your career could stand a shot in the arm. It can. Take advantage and you'll be more profitable by the end of the month - guaranteed!

Serving you,

Brandon Patrick, Broker, CRS, CRB, ABRM

Founder and Editor-in-Chief


We Give BACK! 10% of Our Membership Fees Support These Charities!

ORDER SOAR AGENT Inner Circle NOW! $97mo


As a Founding Member, Your Monthly Fee is Locked In, and Will Never Go Up for the Inner Circle!

Fill out your information below to get started


Soar Agent Inner Circle

  • Getting Started to Track Success
  • Online Lead Generation
  • ​Offline Lead Generation
  • Become the Obvious Expert
  • Develop Niche Markets
  • Targeted Emotional Response Advertising
  • ​Interviewing to Attract Ideal Clients
  • ​Creating Your Dream Team
  • Referral Strategies for Profits
  • Public Relations to Gain Raving Fans
  • Case Studies to Show YOUR Expertise
  • ​Remove the Risk with Guarantees
  • 3rd Party Testimonials
  • Follow Up Systems and Automated Technologies
  • Case Studies to Show YOUR Expertise
  • FREE Reports and Insider Information
  • We Are Constantly Updating the Vault!

“In 3 short years in Brandon's program, I went from waiting tables to being a $40+ million producer, and a Top 10 real estate agent in Nashville, TN! You have the opportunity to be coached by MY coach, and to use the same tools and systems I learned from to build a real estate empire!" - Jay Nelson eXp Realty ICON Agent, Youngest Lifetime Achievement Award Winner in REMAX History in Tennessee, REMAX Hall of Fame

If for any reason in the first 30 days you are unhappy with Soar Agent Real Estate Inner Circle, just send me a message and I will promptly issue you a refund - hassle free!

Brandon Patrick © 2022. All Rights Reserved